What Vue Experts Want You to Know

  • Vue's success is attributed to its community and collaborative mindset.
  • Tres.js aims to simplify 3D scene creation for the Vue community.
  • Prime is a comprehensive UI library with over 90 open-source UI components.
  • The importance of a flourishing ecosystem for Vue's success.
  • Vuex is not the only option for global state management.
  • Astro is not just for static applications, it also supports server-side rendering.
  • E-commerce applications in Vue should have a separate layer for data, proper caching, and SEO-friendly design.
  • For mobile development, web view based solutions like Capacitor are recommended.
  • Nuxt.js can be used in two ways - with Nuxt components and server components.
  • Forms in HTML and JavaScript need additional tooling for better functionality.
  • Next.js allows for full-stack application development with database and file upload services.
  • AI can be integrated into websites using headless rich text editors like TipTap.

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