The effect of interrupted education on academic career | Zarlasht Sarsam | TEDxUniversityofGroningen

Zarlasht Sarsam discusses the impact of interrupted education on academic careers, particularly for girls in Afghanistan. She highlights the following points: 1. Missing even a few minutes of school each day can significantly impact a student's learning over a year. 2. The Afghan education system took 20 years to recover from a period when girls' education was banned. 3. Despite cultural expectations to resume education after interruptions, such disruptions can have negative effects, including lack of structure and difficulty with group assignments. 4. Sarsam was inspired to change the image of Afghan girls and women through education. 5. She emphasizes the importance of global health and the need for more female physicians and researchers. 6. Sarsam encourages institutions worldwide to take responsibility for educating girls from less fortunate countries, highlighting the potential benefits of diversity and capacity building. 7. She concludes by encouraging individuals to persevere in the face of obstacles and to utilize available resources and technology.

via The effect of interrupted education on academic career | Zarlasht Sarsam | TEDxUniversityofGroningen