Scala in 100 Seconds

  • Scala is a high-level, statically typed programming language that fuses object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.
  • Designed by Martin Odersky in Switzerland and first released in 2004.
  • Scala powers large-scale analytics engines like Apache Spark, social media platforms, and genomics projects.
  • Scala compiles to code to run on the Java Virtual Machine and can use Java libraries.
  • Scala reduces boilerplate, making code concise, expressive, and safe.
  • Scala features include higher-order functions, null safety, pattern matching, and algebraic data types.
  • To start with Scala, install the JVM and the Scala compiler, create an SBT file, and write code in a .scala file.
  • Scala supports immutability, type inference, and treats everything as a value.
  • Scala uses the option type to safely represent an object of some or none, reducing the need for null checks.
  • Scala supports higher-order functions, monads, and pattern matching for concise, readable, and scalable code.

via Scala in 100 Seconds