Laravel: New 'Sexy' Helpers - Celebrate or Avoid?

  • Criticism about Laravel's diversity of methods and helpers.
  • Advice to be careful with syntax sugar.
  • Discussion about the use of 'where belongs to' with a model instead of 'where field and value'.
  • Concerns about the readability of new helpers for newcomers and developers outside of Laravel community.
  • Advice against trying to impress colleagues with using the new helper or functionality.
  • Discussion about the helper called 'tap' and its readability.
  • Preference for more readable, standard code over shorter, 'sexier' code.
  • Discussion about controller routing and the confusion it can cause for people unfamiliar with Laravel.
  • Advice to write more rarely used code to make it easier for others to understand.
  • Discussion about the potential harm of using new, 'sexy' helpers and packages.

via Laravel: New "Sexy" Helpers - Celebrate or Avoid?