Beginner Level

  • Install Laravel
  • Create first CRUD project
  • Learn routing, controller fundamentals, MVC, database basics with migrations and eloquent and relationships

Advanced Beginner Level

  • Get familiar with advanced concepts like route model binding, middlewares, eloquent with advanced things like factories and polymorphic relationships and collections
  • Introduce roles and permissions into your application
  • Work with APIs
  • Debugging errors
  • Sending email
  • Automated tests
  • Multi-language
  • Deployment of the project to real server

Mid Level

  • Practice with caching, eloquent extra features, jobs and queues
  • Prepare API for front end
  • Handle payments
  • Advanced testing
  • Full text search
  • Create your own Laravel packages

Full Stack Mid Level

  • Learn Vue.js and Inertia or Livewire and Alpine

Senior Level

  • Make architectural decisions
  • Create bigger projects
  • Handle scaling and team management
  • Learn design patterns like SOLID
  • Work with large data sets with NoSQL
  • Work with high traffic projects
  • CI/CD
  • Ensure code quality

via Laravel Learning Roadmap: 2024 Edition