How did Brazil get so big?

  • Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World led to a division of the world between Portugal and Spain by the Pope.
  • Portugal's initial claim in the Americas was expanded in 1494.
  • A succession crisis in 1580 led to Portugal's throne being taken by the king of Spain, making territorial disputes irrelevant.
  • The Dutch briefly took control of some Brazilian land in the early 17th century.
  • Portugal expanded westward and southward in search of gold and slaves.
  • In 1750, Portugal and Spain renegotiated their agreement, leading to a massive increase in Brazil's territory.
  • The Napoleonic Wars weakened Spain and led to the Portuguese royal family moving to Brazil.
  • Brazil expanded further during Spain's faltering grip on the New World.
  • In 1928, Uruguay became an independent state and Brazil formalized its western and northern borders.
  • The last major border issue was resolved in 1895 when international arbitration sided with Brazil in a dispute with France.

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