GitHub Copilot Workspace: A New AI Tool for Coding

GitHub Copilot Workspace is a new tool that can write, test, and execute code from natural language instructions. It works by: 1. Triggering the tool by clicking the code button and describing a feature to implement. 2. It proposes edits to the current state of files in the repo related to the issue. 3. You can edit the proposed plan to guide the AI. 4. It lists out all of the affected files and describes the code changes in each one of them. 5. After submitting the plan, the AI writes all the codes to make the changes. 6. You can review and modify the code as needed. 7. You can run and debug the code as if you wrote it yourself. 8. Finally, it can write the pull request description for you.

via GitHub Copilot just got promoted to Captain