- Das ist nicht mein Bier - That's not my problem or That's none of my business
- Ich drück dir die Daumen - I wish you luck (literally: I press my thumbs for you)
- Na? - Hey, what's up? or How is it going?
- Mach's gut - Take care (literally: Do it well)
- Ich habe Bock auf - I feel like doing... or I'm up for...
- Ich habe kein Bock auf - I don't feel like...
- Geil - Cool, awesome, dope
- Feierabend - The end of the work day, a moment of relaxation and freedom
- Ich bin fix und fertig - I'm totally wiped out
- Kein Stress - No worries or It's alright
- Kein Ding - No big deal
- Kein Thema - All good
- Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei - All good things must come to an end (literally: Everything has an end, only the sausage has two)
via German Phrases Nobody Teaches You...